Saturday, January 30, 2010

Opening of the exhibition

Well, the opening of the show was a success. Friday night was the opening reception and we had a good response, despite the approaching snow storm. The work was very well received and the new gallery space was a hit! Thank you to everybody at Virginia Wesleyan College who helped organize and promote the show. It will run through the end of March. If you didn't have a chance to make the opening reception, please make a point to get out to the college and experience what the incredible new gallery space has to offer.


  1. Saw your work in New American Paintings and had to check you out. Great stuff...seeing it on your site in the context of a show, and being able to see the size of the work, makes such a difference. Hope the show is everything you wish for, and hope the post-opening letdown (if you suffer from that) isn't too bad.

  2. OK...I will not swoon...I will not swoon...ohhhhh but how I want to!!!

    This afternoon I stopped over to take in 'At the Edge of Dawn' I was alone in the gallery and had the opportunity to swirl and twirl from one piece to the next...I've been in love with the way you move paint since I saw your pieces at CACV a few years I am so smitten with this new work that I may have to go lie down:-)

    OMG...what you do with color!!...and texture!!...and picture plane!!...and NAILS!!!!!...oh and sawdust...

    From one painter to la and la.
